Folk tale

comic book art by student


Collaborate on three pages of comics continuity (minimum). Write a full script in Microsoft Word. Do whatever it takes to make it your own (alternative time periods, personal details, experimental techniques, a "lost ending" approach, etc.) Provide research, setting + character notes.



Phase 1: Pitch meeting

One-on-on 15-minute Zoom breakout room with me to pitch your idea. Bring any supporting documents (character drawings, visual ideas, reference material, etc.). With editorial approval, you should be able to start working on a first draft script.

Phase 2: Script

Write a full script in Microsoft Word. Do whatever it takes to make it your own (alternative time periods, personal details, experimental techniques, a "lost ending" approach, etc.) Provide research, setting + character notes.

Script tasks
  • Task 1: First draft
  • Task 2: Second draft
  • Task 3: Sign-off

Phase 3: Art

Beginning with thumbnails, tightly follow the approved script while allowing room for improvisation. Expect at least two rounds of editorial feedback. Letter and ink to completion.

Art tasks
  • Task 1: Thumbnails
  • Task 2: Pencil art and lettering
  • Task 3: Ink art and lettering
  • Task 4: Sign-off