Slice of life

comic book art by student


Write, draw, and letter three pages of comics continuity. Base your story of a personal event, either directly experienced or witnessed. Focus on personal details unique to you. Consider not being the protagonist.

Slice of Life examples by Harvey Pekar


Phase 1: Story development
  • Come up with an anecdote you'd tell it at a party, with yourself as the protagonist.
  • After instructor and class feedback, tell that same story from another character's point of view. Example: If something happened to you at six years old, imagine that same story from someone else who was there.
Phase 2: Visual research and thumbnails
Gather any visual or historical reference to support your story. Pay attention to relevant fashion, technology, pop culture, etc.
Phase 3: Pencil art and lettering
Upon instructor feedback and sign-off, proceed to drawing on production paper. All research and tweaking should stop now. Focus on visual narrative, storytelling, "camera" angles, lettering style & placement, etc.
Phase 4: Inking
Upon instructor feedback and sign-off, proceed to getting your final art ready for production!
Phase 4: Production
Upon instructor feedback and sign-off, proceed to format your pages per these Photoshop production instructions.
Phase 6: Instructor sign-off
You're done!