Welcome to Art of the Comic Book

Art of the Comic Book is a college-level studio workshop for making comics with traditional ink-on-paper media. Exercises are based on real-world assignments. Fundamental comic book media techniques include storytelling, character design, working with scripts, hand lettering, inking with brushes and dip pens, figure drawing, sketchbook practice and group critiques.
Latest happenings

Latest class
I taught two sessions of Creating a Comic Book for the Liberal Arts department of MassArt this Spring 2022.

Comic art reduction
How the standard dimensions of American mainstream comic book art went from 12 x 18 inches to 10 x 15.

Alex Toth vs. Steve Rude
Steve Rude pencilled a Jonny Quest story in 1986, sending his work-in-progress art to Alex Toth for advice.

Ames Lettering Guide
Mastering the hand-lettering comics tool that even in the digital age, is a standard for lettering professional comic books.