Creating a Comic Book SP 2022 (LALW-415-02)

Tuesday evening summative elective liberal arts class for Massachusetts College of Art and Design. Course description

Session One: Orientation, First Assignment

Class time


Session Two: "Slice of Life" Story Development

Due today


  • Two sheets of lettering practice
  • Straight lines with pen and brush
  • Continue developing "Slice of Life"

Class time

  • Demos
    • Advanced lettering: tiles, sound effects, blurbs, logos, word balloon placement
    • Technique: page bordering with ruling pen
  • Studio
    • Practice lettering
    • First round of one-on-one story meetings for "Slice of Life"
  • Lecture

Session Three: "Slice of Life" Story Development

Due today

  • 2-4 of Lettering A
  • 1-2 Straight Lines with Ink
  • Continue developing "Slice of Life"

Class time


  • Continue practice sheets
    • 2-4 of Lettering A
    • 1-2 Straight Lines with Ink
  • Continue developing "Slice of Life"
    • Finish thumbnail process
    • Make 10 x 15 inch pages on 14 x 17 inch bristol paper
    • Finish pencilling 3 pages on live size art
    • Be prepared to work on this in class

Session Four: "Slice of Life" Art Development

Due today

  • Continue practice sheets
    • 2-4 of Lettering A
    • 1-2 Straight Lines with Ink
  • Continue developing "Slice of Life"

Class time


  • Continue developing "Slice of Life"
  • Bernie Krigstein "Master Race": read, load comments on Google Classroom
  • Practice sheets
    • 2-4 Lettering A: 2-4 sheets with Ames 3.5 2/3 ratio
    • 2-4 Lettering B: 2-4 sheets
    • 1-2 Straight Lines with Ink

Session Five: "Slice of Life" Finale

Due today

  • Continue developing "Slice of Life"
  • Bernie Krigstein "Master Race": read, load comments on Google Classroom
  • Practice sheets
    • 2-4 Lettering A: 2-4 sheets with Ames 3.5 2/3 ratio
    • 2-4 Lettering B: 2-4 sheets
    • 1-2 Straight Lines with Ink


Class time


Hand lettering technique: Lettering Comics by Hand, Hand Lettering with Ames Guide, Ames Guide (video), Dialog Word Balloons (video), Ink Basics (video)

Lettering history and best practices: Lettering Roundtable: Thought Balloons, and Other Abandoned Storytelling Techniques, Comicraft Glossary of Lettering Terms

Session Six: "Quick Comic" Introduction

Due today

Class time


Recommended Reading

History: Alex Toth Critiques Steve Rude, Comic Art Reduction Act of 1967

Session Seven: "Quick Comic" Development

Due today

Class time



Art Process: Chris Samnee (Page Process), Chris Sprouse

Session Eight: "Quick Comic" Finale

Due today

Class time


Session Nine: "Coda" Introduction

Due today

Class Time

  • Demos
    • By need or request
  • Studio
    • Artist presentations
    • One-on-one pitch meeting with your instructor/editor
    • Plot and thumbnail
    • If time allows, work on revisions for second draft
  • Lecture
    • By need or request


  • Continue work on "Coda"

Session Ten: "Coda" Story Development

Due today

  • Continue work on "Coda"

Class Time


  • Continue developing story and art for "Coda"

Session Eleven: "Coda" Art Development

Due today

  • Continue developing story and art for "Coda"

Class Time

  • Demos
    • By need or request
  • Studio
  • Lecture
    • By need or request


  • Continue developing thumbnail layouts for "Coda"

Session Twelve: "Coda" Art Development

Due today

  • Continue developing thumbnail layouts for "Coda"

Class Time


  • Continue progress of "Coda"

Session Thirteen: "Coda" Finale

Due today

  • Continue progress of "Coda"

Class Time


  • Finish, scan, and format "Coda"
  • Any remaining assignments

Session Fourteen: Wrapup

Due today

  • Finish, scan, and format "Coda"
  • Any remaining assignments

Class Time


  • None